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How You Say It Really Does Matter As Much As What You Say

How You Say It Really Does Matter As Much As What You Say

In the past ten years, an executive’s ability to communicate his or her vision has become an essential part of modern management—it’s hard to imagine a successful leader who can’t articulate effectively. Indeed, the ability to speak well and communicate clearly is a key condition of leadership, often more important than technical knowledge, especially as businesses of all sizes become more global in their composition. The multi-disciplinary leader who cannot share and engender support for his vision among team members will not succeed no matter how talented he or she is.

Unfortunately, executives still confuse their words on paper—that is, the written speech—with the words that come out of their mouths. Written and spoken words both have meaning, but they differ vastly in delivery. While the written word can include a potpourri of associated meanings, spoken words, with shorter phrases, bring human emotions to the forefront.

As the late author and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou wrote, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.”

Deeper Meaning

“Meaning” comes through when you engage your audience as though in a conversation, rather than deliver a monologue or lecture (the kind that bored you in school!). That means not getting so tied up in trying to memorize words or remembering advice that you lose touch with what you’re trying to say. Your aim is to break all the barriers between you and your audience.

Techniques can include asking your audience questions and building on their replies; posing a question yourself and answering it as a way of advancing your presentation and bringing the audience closer to your message. For example, if your message concerns your company’s foreign partners, one self-posed question might be, “You might ask what we see for the future of the Chinese market. I will tell you…”

Remember, the focus is on your message, not on yourself: don’t let your ego get in the way. Recounting stories is fine as long as you relate them to the audience and their interests. You are carrying the message; you are not the message. As philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.”

Sincerity counts. Be yourself; be natural. Show your personality. Those are the keys to real audience engagement. Your audience will forgive a few stumbles (non-native English speakers take to heart) if you are engaged with your topic. And you will become more conversational as a result.

So You Hate Your Voice?

The problem is, many of us are not comfortable with the sound of our voices. It’s one thing to be talking with family and friends, quite another to be talking in front of an audience. The more you become accustomed to the sound and cadence of your voice, the more relaxed and the more in control you will be of your presentation in a more formal public setting. But that doesn’t mean your voice pitch or pronunciation or breathing doesn’t need work.

My experience training executives shows that recording yourself reading aloud can help you study, analyze and refine your oral skills, as can listening to (and copy-catting) radio and TV news programs, and working with a coach to build confidence. You’ll want to focus not just on pitch and pronunciation, but on pacing, vernacular and idioms, and emphasis to help make your presentation more natural.

In the current global business environment in which English is the lingua franca, chances are you are speaking in (or hearing someone speak with) an accent. Ethnic or regional accents are part of your personality, something that makes you unique. However, if your accent so “unique” it interferes with your communication, you’ll need to speak more slowly than usual so your audience can process what you’re saying. And avoid slang.

Preparation Is Key To Being Natural

To recap, we’re talking about being sincere, engaging your audience, being conversational, being involved in your message, being yourself. Caution: “being yourself” does not mean “winging it.” The executives you most admire for their relaxed, confident presentations are not speaking off the cuff. In fact, quite the opposite. Most have undergone voice coaching. They all spend time on preparation and have a deep understanding of and commitment to what they want to say to the audience. Think of Winston Churchill, Barack Obama…sincere, passionate, personal, and prepared. They used their voices to make their words come alive.

Without such preparation, you risk getting lost in digressions, becoming caught up in tangents, and failing to deliver your message.

Being prepared is a form of respect for your audience, and your voice is what makes the message last. As a Chinese proverb says, “The tongue can paint what the eyes can’t see.”

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