True communication and leadership skills have become inseparable. For any leader today, mastering the art of presentation is a prerequisite for establishing authority. Sometimes it is not enough to have the “know-how”, you must also be able to “make-it-known”!

Presentation Coaching
Communication and leadership skills are increasingly intertwined. Mastering the art of presentation is a fundamental skill for any business leader. Having the best product or services sometimes is not enough. Corporate storytelling is an increasingly important tool to help companies reach their audience. Our presentation coaching sessions teach you how to communicate the Anglo-American way, drawing from best-in-class public speakers in the US, preparing you for strategic presentations, keynote speeches, pitches, RFPs, Comex and Board meetings.
— Andrew Wallace-Barnett, Head of IR of AXA, for whom EBM coached 22 top managers ahead of AXA IR day.
Order our manual on impactful presentations
EBM Co-founder and CEO Adrian Dearnell has compiled more than two decades of coaching experience and international business TV interviews with some of the world’s most important CEOs into a handbook on impactful presentations. Discover what it takes to improve your presentation skills and get an insight on how to become an efficient speaker.

Media Training
Knowing how to engage with the media is crucial to being a leader in today’s world. This is why we have written a book about it — in order to provide our clients with a practical how-to guide.
Our media training sessions help you understand how journalists think and how to beat them at their own game, whether in a regular interview situation or in a crisis communications situation.
We have a long track record helping CEOs, CFOs, senior executives, financial market professionals, asset managers, company spokespeople and other professionals prepare for media interviews.
Order our media training manual
EBM Co-founder and CEO Adrian Dearnell has compiled more than two decades of coaching experience and international business TV interviews with some of the world’s most important CEOs into a handbook on media training.

Pitches & TED talks
Convincing is not just a question of argumentation. These days, you need to know how to take advantage of the rare windows of opportunity that present themselves and the increasingly short attention spans of your contacts. Knowing how to construct and deliver an impactful 3-minute presentation in the form of a pitch to provoke the desired action is a prerequisite for success, whether you’re talking about internal decision-making, commercial development or influence.
Financial Presentations
We have a long track record coaching executives for strategic financial presentations, road shows, IR days, IPOs and private equity transactions.
We specialize in helping companies express their messages in the most compelling manner, as simply and succinctly as possible, with soundbites. We also perform message auditing and benchmarking.

— Thierry Timsit, Managing Partner of Astorg, for whom EBM helped prepare and produce the AGM

Crisis Communication
Sooner or later, every company faces a crisis. We help companies prepare for the next communications crisis by training executives to answer difficult questions from stakeholders and media. We also provide messaging and benchmark best practices for crisis communications.
Training & Formation
We offer a full range of specific training courses on all dimensions of an effective presentation, from voice work to stress management, from leadership for women to the establishment of a Pitch Academy or a dedicated Speaking Club within your organization. Contact us and we will define together the most appropriate ones for your needs.