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Breathe New Life Into Corporate Videos

Breathe New Life Into Corporate Videos

Nov 28, 2023

The best corporate videos convey a company’s values, brand identity, and key messages. Nothing is as stale as an out-of-date corporate video – just think pre-Internet 1980’s.

Studies show that viewers retain 95% of information when they see it in a video, compared with 10% of information in text. This finding is reason enough to make sure the content of your corporate video remains current.

Reaching different milestones provide perfect moments to update corporate videos. Did your company recently make an acquisition, undergo a management reshuffle, launch a new product line, or expand into new markets? Similarly, major industry shifts may provide a useful starting point for a narrative that illustrates how your company successfully adapted to a changing environment.

A new corporate video can also be a great opportunity to try to reach new audiences, while reinforcing your brand identity, vision, and values. For example, even in the financial sector, companies still create compelling corporate narratives based on human values, as Amundi has done around trust.

When updating a corporate video, highlighting key aspects of your products and services is a must-do. You can go further yet by including a human touch through customer or employee testimonials as Astorg has done here.

You may also consider including a visual tour of your company’s HQ, daily operations, or manufacturing line, to showcase your authenticity and transparency, like what Toyota did to shine the spotlight on manufacturing. This approach to corporate filmmaking adds a compelling aesthetic and human dimension to an otherwise bland manufacturing story.

Bolder still, you can go all-in on creativity, like what Apple did recently, to promote its sustainability ambitions in a short film where the company reports results directly to Mother Nature.

Remember, the best corporate videos focus on stories – real people that your target audience can relate to. Bolt put forth a simple narrative in 2022: we identify a problem and then we solve it. Stories like this build trust in the brand and make for engaging videos that stand a better chance of being viewed and shared on social media.


Updates Promote Audience Engagement

To foster engagement remember the principle of, “Audience First.” Who am I speaking to, and what do they need to hear first? If your current video isn’t generating enough engagement or business leads, then it is time to create a new video with improved content.

As your target audience evolves, so must your outreach. For example, as you try to attract new talent from a younger demographic, you may need to change your video to make it more appealing to recent graduates who want to work for a company with real credentials of corporate social responsibility. The trend towards greener corporate storytelling is sweeping over companies like a tidal wave.

This type of video may not be your first choice if your target audience is shareholders or potential investors, who need to hear about growth, strategy, and value creation.

Keep in mind that special events, holidays, or seasonal campaigns can provide a great opportunity to update your videos with offbeat and engaging content, while also highlighting your achievements.


The Fundamentals Never Change

  • Keep it Short and Simple to engage audiences. A two-minute video is long enough in today’s fast paced social media landscape. Attention spans continue to shorten, and going into too much depth is likely to cost you viewership.
  • Fact Check because outdated or erroneous content is a sure way to lose credibility. Update facts and figures to remain accurate and consistent with your other communications deliverables.
  • Work with Trusted Partners who understand your corporate culture and can ensure the best quality production for your price point.

Ultimately, the decision to create a new corporate video should align with your company’s goals, target audience, and overall marketing and communications strategy. Regularly assessing the effectiveness and relevance of your existing video content can help you decide when it is time for an update.


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